Food Safety, Auditing
& Compliance Software
Food safety, auditing, & compliance software
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Auditing & Compliance Software

Auditing software inspired by inspectors with over 50 years of combined industry experience.

Use pre-built, customizable audit forms and templates designed by experts.

Perform effective self-audits with iPads, tablets, or desktop computers.

Automate, Benchmark & Improve

Automate temperature and cooling logs to minimize liability and reduce labor costs.

Track and benchmark your performance with state of the art reporting and analysis tools.

Eliminate paper waste and access your data anytime, anywhere.


Food Safety Experts

Auditing software designed by food safety experts.


Quality Self-Audits

Perform self audits with our mobile device friendly software.


Automate Processes

Automate your temperature and cooling logs.

Food Safety Software

At Freshability we provide you with uniquely effective software tools that can help modernize, automate, and improve your food safety processes. Our system is designed to help you protect your valued customers, comply with the law, and minimize your food safety liability.

Our solution is based on principles and practices developed by food safety inspectors with over 50 years of combined industry experience.

Freshability provides you with the IT infrastucture you need to perform effective self-audits, automate temperate and cooling logs or other processes, as well as reporting, tracking, and analysis. At Freshability, we understand that every business, including yours, has unique needs. Our team of experienced software engineers is ready to customize our product to help you achieve your food safety, tracking, logging and compliance goals.